Apr 26, 2024
Username/Login/User ID: |
Your Citywidetech Internet Phone Number (e.g. 092420000) |
Authorisation Name/Display Name: | Your Citywidetech Internet Phone Number (e.g. 092420000) |
Password: | Your Citywidetech Internet Phone Password (assigned in our portal) |
Host/Proxy/Domain: | sip.citywidetech.co.nz |
Outbound Proxy: | sip.citywidetech.co.nz |
DTMF Mode: | rfc2833 (or AVT/out of band) |
Default voice codecs: | G.711 alaw, G.711 ulaw, G.722, G.729a, Opus. (NOTE: Please use 20ms frames or a 'ptime' of 20 for your media. A 'ptime' of 10 is not supported) |
Default video codecs: | H.264, H.263 |
SIP Transport: | UDP, TCP or TLS (TLS preferred) |
SIP port: | 5060 or 50600 (udp, tcp) or 5061 (tls) |
STUN Server: | stun.citywidetech.co.nz (port 3478) |
citywidetech Recursive DNS Servers (for customer use) | |
Firewall Rules: | Allow all traffic from subnets (Primary), (Failover) and (Apps) for UDP portrange 1024-50000 and TCP port 5060 and 5061 |